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Firma/Kurulus Adi:  DILEGNO
Aciklama/Description:  QUALITY NAME IS -DILEGNO- FREE DESIGNSAFTER CONTACT & SEE OUR PRODUCTIONS, WHICH YOU WILL BUY QUALITY AND MODERN FURNITURE IN FAVOURABLE CONDITIONS & COMPETITIVE PRICES-With the legacy of 24 years of serving in the sector of furniture, The OSKAR MOBILYA designs, manufactures and gladly markets its D LEGNO brand products with pride.As D LEGNO we prefer modern style furniture with smooth and soft lines, regular and etched glasses, aluminium profiles, nickel-plated legs and accessories. Our living rooms consist of sofas, armchairs, coffee tables; dining rooms consist of dining tables, chairs, side boards, display cases; bedrooms consist of beds, wardrobes, bed-side tables, chiffoniers. During manufacturing furniture, we press beech or maple veneers on fibreboards and also use massive woods in our furniture then we varnish them any colour you want both its natural colours and shiny lacquered colours.D LEGNO adds to its aesthetically designed furniture the ease of use and comfort. You can find an opportunity to continually renew your collection while enjoying the fresh supply of earlier purchases. You can pick your choice of items in various colours to create your customers’ dream homes. These furniture ranges offer your customers the change of realising their own truly personal style.D LEGNO’s service and sales are available in worldwide branches. -
Country/Ülke:  a-Turkey/Türkei/Türkiye
City/Sehir:  ANKARA
Postal Address/Cadde:  KARACAKAYA CAD. NO:63 SITELER
ZIP/Postal Code/Posta Kodu:  06160
Map/route-Haritada Gör :  View map/route/Adresi Haritada Gör

Phone Number/Telefon:  (+90312) 3501153
Fax Number/Fax:  (+90312) 3485921
Mobile Phone/Cep Tel.:  (+90533) 3802394
Contact Person/Kontak Sahis:  MS. SELIN ELMAS OZKAN

E-Mail Address/E-Mail:  Send message/Mesaj Yolla
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